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16mm connector to the tape (big screw)

Size:16×tape The screw tape connector 16,as its name implies,it can connects the tape strip to the drip irrigation or the

connector 16 to the sliding taps

Size:16×tape It is used to connect the drip irrigation tape strip to the main polyethylene pipe or 16 mm pipe

connector 16 to the tape (screw)

Size:16×tape The screw tape connector 16,as its name implies,it can connects the tape strips to the drip irrigation pipe or

connector tape to tape (big screw)

size tape×tape It is used to connect two drip irrigation tape strip to each other. The two sides of this

elementary clamp 13 × tape (screw)

Size:13×tape The elementary clamp 13 to the tape (screw) is used to connect the drip irrigation tape strip to the

elementary clamp to the tape (screw)

Size:16×tape The elementary clamp to the tape is used to connect the drip irrigation tape strip to the main polyethylene

end of line blinding tape

The end of line blinding is used to close the end of the tape strip. A cylindrical shape with the

lee flat elementary clamp to the tape (spiral)

Size:lee flat ×tape The lee flat to the tape connector is used to branch and connect the lee flat irrigation

tape fixation nail

You can hold the irrigation tape strip firmly on the soil with the tape holder nail tool (fixation) easily This

tape to 1/2

Size:tape ×1/2 The tape to 1/2 connector is used to connect 1/2 pipes to the irrigation tape strip

tape to tape connector (screw)

size tape×tape It is used to connect two drip irrigation tape to each other. The two sides of this connection

tape to tape slidering connector

size tape×tape It is used to connect two tape stripe to each other. If the tape strip has a minor